
All GEBCO scheduled asbestos courses are listed here along with their purpose. Click on the course name to view more specific information about each course.

Click here for more information on our Asbestos Awareness Kit!

Asbestos Accreditation Courses:

Asbestos Certified Worker * -- To perform asbestos removal work
Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor * -- To conduct abatement jobs and supervise asbestos workers
Asbestos Inspector * -- To inspect for asbestos
Asbestos Management Planner * -- To write plans to manage identified asbestos
Asbestos Project Designer * -- To develop plans and specifications for abatement projects

(* Refresher course required)

Other Asbestos Courses:

Air Monitoring Technician * -- To perform air monitoring
NIOSH 582 Equivalency -- To analyze air samples
Texas Asbestos Health Protection Law *‡ -- To learn Texas asbestos regulations
Louisiana Asbestos Health Protection Law *‡ -- To learn Louisiana asbestos regulations
Arkansas Regulatory Awareness *‡ -- To learn Arkansas asbestos regulations
Asbestos Management for Building Owners -- To oversee asbestos management in a facility or facilities.
(This course will meet the training requirement for Designated Person and NESHAP trained persons)
Asbestos Awareness *‡ -- A two-hour orientation to asbestos
Asbestos 16-hour O&M Worker -- To remove small amounts of ACBM during O&M activities
Resilient Floor Covering Removal * -- To remove asbestos floor covering under RFCI rules
RFCI Removal Supervisor *‡ -- To supervise workers removing floor covering under RFCI rules

(* Refresher course required)
(‡ Attending a scheduled initial course will meet refresher requirements...same hours and topics)
(? For further clarification of worker training requirements, see worker training chart)

Asbestos Accreditation Courses

Asbestos Certified Worker (English and Spanish) - 32 hours
  1. physical characteristics of asbestos and ACBM;
  2. potential health effects related to asbestos exposure;
  3. employee personal protective equipment;
  4. state-of-the art work practices;
  5. personal hygiene;
  6. additional safety hazards;
  7. medical monitoring;
  8. air monitoring;
  9. relevant federal, state, and local regulatory requirements;
  10. establishment of respiratory protective programs and medical surveillance programs;
  11. 14 hours of hands-on training, including work area preparation, decontamination chamber construction, cleaning and disposal, and respirator fit testing and maintenance; and
  12. course review

Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor - 40 hours
  1. physical characteristics of asbestos and ACBM;
  2. potential health effects related to asbestos exposure;
  3. employee personal protective equipment;
  4. state-of-the-art work practices;
  5. personal hygiene;
  6. additional safety hazards;
  7. medical monitoring;
  8. air monitoring;
  9. relevant federal, state, and local regulatory requirements;
  10. establishment of respiratory protection programs and medical surveillance programs;
  11. 14 hours of hands-on training, including work area preparation, decontamination chamber construction, cleaning and disposal, and respirator fit testing and maintenance;
  12. insurance and liability issues;
  13. record keeping for asbestos abatement projects;
  14. supervisory techniques for asbestos abatement activities;
  15. contract specifications; and
  16. course review

Asbestos Inspector - 24 hours
  1. background information of asbestos;
  2. potential health effects related to asbestos exposure;
  3. functions/qualifications and role of inspectors;
  4. legal liabilities and defenses;
  5. understanding of building systems;
  6. public/employee/building occupant relations;
  7. pre-inspection planning, and review of previous survey records;
  8. inspecting for friable and non-friable ACBM;
  9. assessing of the condition of friable ACBM;
  10. bulk sampling/documentation of asbestos;
  11. air monitoring;
  12. employee personal protective equipment;
  13. record keeping and writing of the survey report;
  14. regulatory review;
  15. field trip, to include a building walk-through inspection at a suitable location outside of the classroom; and
  16. course review

Asbestos Management Planner - 16 hours
(Asbestos Inspector course is a pre-requisite)
  1. course overview;
  2. evaluation and interpretation of survey results;
  3. hazard assessment;
  4. legal implications;
  5. evaluation and selection of control options;
  6. role of other professionals;
  7. developing an operations and maintenance (O&M) plan;
  8. regulatory review;
  9. record keeping for the management planner;
  10. assembling and submitting of a management plan;
  11. financing abatement actions; and
  12. course review

Asbestos Project Designer - 24 hours
  1. background information on asbestos;
  2. potential health effects related to asbestos exposure;
  3. overview of abatement construction projects to include clearance of the project area;
  4. safety system design specifications, including written sampling rationale for air clearance;
  5. field trip;
  6. employee personal protective equipment;
  7. additional safety hazards;
  8. fiber aerodynamics and control;
  9. designing abatement solutions and written project design;
  10. budgeting/cost estimation;
  11. writing abatement specifications;
  12. preparing abatement drawings;
  13. contract preparation and administration;
  14. legal/liabilities/defenses;
  15. replacement;
  16. role of other consultants;
  17. occupied buildings;
  18. how to accomplish a complete visual inspection;
  19. relevant federal, Texas, and local regulatory requirements;
  20. course review.

Other Asbestos Courses:

Air Monitoring Technician - 24 hours
  1. health effects of asbestos;
  2. asbestos regulations (state and federal);
  3. asbestos sampling and evaluation methods;
  4. calculating sampling times;
  5. time weighted average calculation;
  6. calibration of air sample pumps;
  7. sample logs and records;
  8. compliance testing;
  9. clearance testing; and
  10. clearance procedures.

NIOSH 582 Equivalency - 40 hours
(Includes the 3 days of the AMT course above, plus the following)
  1. counting procedure workshop;
  2. Walton Beckett graticule calibration;
  3. microscope calibration;
  4. microscope analysis workshop;
  5. review

Texas Asbestos Health Protection Law - 3 hours
A detailed study of the Texas asbestos regulation, TAC §295.31-295.73, as required for out-of-state license applicants.

Louisiana Asbestos Health Protection Law - 2 hours
A detailed study of the Louisiana asbestos regulation, as required by LDEQ for out-of-state license applicants.

Arkansas Regulatory Awareness - 2 hours
A detailed study of the Arkansas asbestos regulations, as required by ADEQ for out-of-state license applicants.

Asbestos Management for Building Owners - 6 hours
  1. background information on asbestos;
  2. health effects of asbestos;
  3. detection, identification and assessment of ACM;
  4. options for controlling ACBM, including removal procedures;
  5. asbestos management programs;
  6. relevant federal and state regulations concerning asbestos.

Asbestos Awareness - 2 hours
Two-hour asbestos awareness training is designed to orient maintenance and trade workers who may encounter asbestos in the course of performing their specific jobs to the hazards of asbestos. By requirement of EPA and OSHA regulations, schools and other building owners are required to provide this training for their own employees and others who may work in their buildings. Topics to be included are:
  1. Information regarding asbestos and its various uses and forms.
  2. Information on the health effects associated with asbestos exposure.
  3. Locations of ACBM identified throughout each building in which they work.
  4. Recognition of damage, deterioration, and delamination of ACBM.
  5. Name and phone number of person responsible for asbestos management in facility where they work.

    GEBCO can provide this training at our facility or on-site by specific request. We also have available an
Asbestos Awareness Training Kit containing 80 minutes of video presentation which can be used by an employer to conduct the training in-house.