

Lead: Lead Abatement for Contractor/Supervisor

Lead Contractors & Supervisors - 32 hours (1) role and responsibilities of the supervisor; (2) background information on lead and its adverse health effects; (3) background information regarding federal, state, and local regulations and guidance that pertain to lead based paint abatement including the Texas Environmental Lead Reduction Rules; (4) liability and insurance issues relating to lead based paint abatement; (5) contract specifications and cost estimation; (6) community relations; (7) project management and supervisory techniques; (8) risk assessment and inspection report interpretation; (9) development and implementation of an occupant protection plan and abatement report; (10) lead based paint hazard recognition and control; (11) lead based paint abatement and lead based paint hazard reduction methods, including restricted practices; (12) interior dust abatement/cleanup or lead based paint hazard control and reduction methods; (13) soil and exterior dust abatement or lead based paint hazard control and reduction methods; (14) clearance standards and testing; (15) cleanup and waste disposal; and (16) recordkeeping.
Class is from 8-5pm

Price: $650.00
Dates: (02) Feb 4-7, (04) Apr 8-11
Student Name(s):